He is right about the reskin/old weapons (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Tuesday, December 19, 2017, 12:38 (2474 days ago) @ Korny

For me at least, its adding extra sting to the mix. One of the worst moments for the new expansion for me, was getting a Telesto from the new Xur engram. A new ENGRAM/CONCEPT in a new DLC in a Sequel game, and I get a gun that I could have cared less about in D1. If they want to bring back old guns, that is awesome and I support that. However, to me, it feels like a way to buffer "new content" numbers, instead of, like, "new content" or whatever that is. Add the old guns back, but don't lock them behind a DLC. They aren't new. I already had to pay to RNG unlock them once.

I am still holding out hope that Destiny 2 becomes the game we all want it to be, but for now its fun to get on and play with friends. Its no place to live for me, as far as games go.

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