
This is next-level trolling :-) (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, December 20, 2017, 11:45 (2473 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

There's a slight difference. Korny is hearing opinions and the evidence behind them from someone who has finished it and agreeing with the conclusions drawn. The only thing Korny can't necessarily do is corroborate the evidence given.

Not to mention that I was playing with someone who was actively doing the quest, and was coming to the same conclusions as the video. If I had the quest myself, it would have played out exactly the same, since I did the adventures with him. I simply don't get the same credit or rewards, but I'm there with someone who is.

Again, this is you trusting someone else's experience of the UI.

Are you saying that Cane isn't trustworthy? Kind of sounds like that's what you're saying...

Maybe you would have noticed getting stuff from different sources. Your experience is filtered through the other's experience. Sympathy is not the same as empathy.

Right... but we were literally doing the same thing, together. I would have likely come to the same exact conclusion that he did, and the same one that Skill Up came to. Is it possible that RNG might have had an effect that would have given me a drop when I shot one specific enemy that he didn't? Yeah. But two completely different people both came to the same exact conclusion after playing the game. Why wouldn't I come to the same conclusion, especially if I was right there with one of them?

Does that compare in any way to cheapLEY's "I don't want to listen to a word he says, so I'm just gonna say that he's wrong about whatever he says, and I'm right, no matter what anyone else says either!"

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