
He is right about the reskin/old weapons (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, December 19, 2017, 14:53 (2474 days ago) @ cheapLEY

(it's not "more Destiny", it's "objectively worse Destiny").

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read all day, and I’ve been to Reddit a handful of times today.

He explains it well in the video, and it's something that I noticed right away as well.

The way the Infinite Forest is designed (and it's arguably where the majority of the content takes place), is a "totally missed the point" version of tilesets. You have very little reason to play the content as the developers intended, and even when you do, the tilesets are poorly designed. You can simply get above and away from all enemies, and pick them off. This is how the majority of the content is presented. This is not subjective, this is not "more of the same". This is worse than what we've gotten before.

The mission in the EDZ, where you go find the Disciples of Osiris?
The entirety of it was in the game at launch (not the enemy spawns of course). You can drive there freely during the Lake of Shadows strike. You can even take an alternate path through the shore that is unavailable in the actual mission!
The mission that is almost literally just the Pyramidion strike removes elements of the strike, while adding almost nothing new. You are running a less-content version of that existing strike!

The weapon quests remove goal variety in place of grinding public events, the strikes have less unique content than before, and if you're on Xbox, you have less Crucible maps in this DLC than in any other DLC before!

I mean, I can still have fun, and I like the game well enough, but remember when I wasn't too hyped about the game before launch and people shook their heads at me? This is what I was worried about. Less effort, worse design, weaker content.

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