
And, again, he is right about everything. (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, December 20, 2017, 07:40 (2640 days ago) @ Funkmon

Except his conclusion that Destiny 2 is worse now, when it isn't. There's more of it, and he doesn't like the new stuff. That means Destiny 2 is only slightly better. His complaints about changes to the base game from the DLC are great, and hyper valid 3 years ago, but we now know that's how the game operates.

His conclusion is not simply that Destiny 2 is “worse now”, his conclusion is that CoO shows that Bungie has no ability or intention of making the kind of improvements that he feels the game needs. He is making the argument that Bungie released a sub-par product with D1, then slowly improved it over time, but then with D2 they fell even further back, seemingly “unlearning” many of the improvements that they’d made. CoO is just the final straw for him, as it is literally just more D2, but with the added problems of the creepingly invasive Microtransactions.

So he’s not saying that CoO makes D2 worse, he’s saying that this is 1 sub-par product too many for him to continue supporting Bungie.

I don’t land in the same place he does, but I think he makes several valid points. Storytelling in Destiny is still abysmal. For a loot based game, the loot in D2 is mostly uninspired. The notion of “taking away our old guns” just so they can be brought back in D2 and passed off as “new content” is lame. When you break down the missions in CoO, it really does feel like a pathetic excuse for an expansion (you play through a nerfed version of a strike from D2, go back to an old part of the EDZ, and run through the Infinite Forrest like 8 times).

Personally, I still have loads of fun with D2, but I have drastically different expectations for it than I did back with D1. I think D2 is a great game to jump in and have some fun with friends once or twice per week. And unlike D1, D2 allows that kind of approach, which is great. But for those who want a game that they’ll come back to every day, D2 is many steps back from D1, and I can understand how some hardcore fans might hit a point where they say “I’m done”.

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