
I don't have to watch this. (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, December 20, 2017, 14:17 (2608 days ago) @ Korny

Someone with a professional interest in playing video games more than I have time to and who has probably played the current D2 content more than I ever will decides not a play the game anymore. Does it affect me? Not really. Am I interested in why they quit? Marginally. They think their reasons for quitting are worth being put into a video. By the title, I know they're past the point of being constructive in their criticism--they're gone regardless (unless they're being dishonest). I know by the title that they are seeking attention and click$. I know by the title that they want me to watch and perhaps, if their criticisms ring true, be justified in quitting the game myself (and telling other$ to watch). I suspect by the title that they are being dramatic. I know by the title they have an expectation that wasn't met by the game, but it's not my expectation.

I know this because I'm enjoying D2 irrespective of this person and his opinion. I have friends I like playing with. They seem to enjoy it, too. I assume if they don't they'll stop playing. THAT will affect me, but maybe I'll quit too because I'll not be enjoying it then either. Hasn't happened yet. Bungie needs to watch this. They need to care because this guy is an influencer I suppose and they need, from a business perspective, to counter his influence either by changing the game to meet his expectations or more clearly setting expectations for those who share this person's viewpoint. I, on the other hand, don't have to watch this. I enjoy this game and don't feel the need even in my head to defend that. Life is dramatic enough. Don't need more.

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