
This is next-level trolling :-) (Destiny)

by Robot Chickens, Wednesday, December 20, 2017, 11:20 (2473 days ago) @ EffortlessFury

You critique someone earlier for not watching the whole video:

Clearly. It's a fact that the he goes to various lengths to point out and provide evidence to support his facts. It's a fact that you didn't watch the video and are making opinions based off of a refusal to take your blinders off...

And then you say this:

I haven't finished the main story yet, so I don't have access to any of the adventures that you need to complete to even start getting the Lost Prophecies. That said...

There's a slight difference. Korny is hearing opinions and the evidence behind them from someone who has finished it and agreeing with the conclusions drawn. The only thing Korny can't necessarily do is corroborate the evidence given.

Sure, but it's not particularly helpful. It's like person A reading a negative review of a movie they haven't seen and then getting into an argument with person B who loved the movie and only read the first paragraph of the review. Person A may be right, but really, how much weight does that person's opinion have. Person B might have a different opinion of the movie than you, but at least they've experienced it.

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