
Jason Schreier interviewed Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Saturday, June 15, 2019, 05:59 (2007 days ago) @ EffortlessFury
edited by Kermit, Saturday, June 15, 2019, 06:04

So you're upset that a skilled person's time is worth the same as a non-skilled person's time in MMOs? You're upset that skill can't save you real world time compared to others?

No. Sort of.

I am upset that your time is being treaded as a resource to be exploited.

But how is it fair that a less skilled player must spend more time to get good while a skilled player doesn't have to anymore? This was especially exploitative in the age of Arcade Machines. You got nickled and dimed, literally, until you got good enough. The developers could've made it easier so it took less money to complete the game, couldn't they? But then you'd say the challenge is the fun part. Well, playing the game (for a currency) is the fun part. It's just that the rewards is less inherent to the gameplay. Your argument is that this is worse. Maybe so. But that doesn't make it bad, just different. Technically its a more fairly balanced use of your time as a resource when compared to skill-based challenge.

Woah. Hold up. Different people have different skills to begin with--it's not about fairness. That's reality. Cody is simply saying he doesn't want low-skilled busy work in a game. THAT is what he considers exploitive. He doesn't mind devoting time (and money) to developing skill. He wants games that support that particular use of his time.

I get that you say that other people might find working for resources fun, but you muddy your argument by bringing fairness into it.

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