
Jason Schreier interviewed Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, June 18, 2019, 10:35 (2003 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Well, seeing as how they’re removing the requirements to finish the campaigns in New Light, it seems like Bungie agrees with him.

So do I. It’s always been stupid. Especially if you’re doing it on your second or third character.

That’s where it becomes real clear-cut in my mind. I can see the argument that you shouldn’t be able to buy the game and skip straight to the end (even though, IMO, Destiny is this strange case where the emphasis on the “current” content and the increasingly massive glut of “old” content is a strong counter to that argument).

But when it comes to 2nd and 3rd characters, every single minute of replaying those campaigns has felt like a chore to me. I don’t think there’s been a single story mission in the entire franchise that has left me thinking “I can’t wait to play that again!”.

Why can’t you skip to the end though? Isn’t that your choice? Most games had level select codes back in the day. But most people played through the game normally the first time because they want to have fun with the challenge the game offered. When you chose to use the code to skip ahead was your own choice. It wouldn’t ruin your experience if you are deciding the experience you want.

I don’t actually think any of this argument makes sense in Destiny’s case. It’s not a linear game. It’s more like an increasingly large collection of XBLA games that are tied together to let you bounce back and forth (Mario Party in space?).

So yeah, I think at this point it’s silly to cling to the idea that players should be forced to play through 2 years of story missions before they can join their friends in the latest activity. Good on Bungie for moving away from that notion.

Notice how you could choose any level in Halo from the title screen after you have played it once.

... kinda stepping on your own point there ;)

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