
Grind is in the eye of the beholder (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 16:41 (1996 days ago) @ Kermit

I can see both sides here, and I'm trying to figure out where I come down.

Like Claude, I think Vault is still my favorite, and I didn't do that until House of Wolves was out, or maybe shortly before.

King's Fall was my first blind raid, and it was incredible. Leviathan blind felt incredibly easy by comparison--I'm still fairly impressed by how easily we got through that raid, all things considered.

There comes a point, though, where the repetition makes it less fun for me. I hate going into a raid with someone who does it every week, week after week. There's nothing more annoying to me than being lectured on the prevailing strategy and having someone trying to dictate my loadout for absolute efficiency. That happened once while doing Leviathan only a few months ago. Like, seriously, loadout doesn't matter even a little bit here anymore. We're so overpowered we could probably do it by throwing rocks, so thanks, but save your lecture. (This person wasn't anyone from here.)

I'm okay with getting advice on the current raid while it's still challenging, but spending an hour explaining a year old raid makes me want to quit almost immediately.

So far, I haven't really been able to find a middle ground. I never finished Spire of Stars, I've never actually beat Riven or done the Queen's Walk. I've only done Scourge of the Past like three times, and I haven't touched Crown of Sorrow yet (though I hope to, soon).

Finding a pickup raid group is harder than it used to be. I feel like there's not as much opportunity to raid, unless someone has to drop out of the regular Wednesday night group and I get a filler invite. That's not really a complaint or a plea for more raid invites, either--it's not often that I feel like dedicating a night to pounding out a raid anymore. I do miss the weekly VoG/Crota rotation that I was in for a while, though.

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