
Radiant Materials (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, December 15, 2014, 12:49 (3444 days ago) @ petetheduck

Although now I'm excited for the new Warlock Exotic helmet for the Nova Bomb perk. That sounds awesome. I'd rather be hunting new gear for the perks, not the light level. I want to desire them, not be obligated to use them because of their associated number.

This is why I'm genuinely confused why armor has light levels, and why guns have attack values. If they didn't, then perks would be important, or at least more important than they are now.

Obviously some guns would have higher impact ratings than others, and some armor would have higher defense. But if you didn't have to worry about leveling gear up, you could hunt and mix and match.

This way you could design more diverse challenges, since players would be having to find the best combo of stuff to do the job. Before, you pretty much just had to decide which exotic slot to use: chest or helmet.

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