Pt. 3 of Jason Jones Interview posted

by electricpirate @, Tuesday, July 09, 2013, 07:24 (4198 days ago) @ Xenos

Some things I enjoyed

“A long time ago we built an RPG,” he reveals, “just to test out some ideas and learn things that we didn’t know and think about what disciplines on the design team we needed to hire for that we didn’t already have in the studio. We built a number of little games. They were pretty fun.”

Okay, now that would be a pretty awesome Bungie day surprise ;). I'm curious if these were prototypes for big ideas,or things they created just for practice and internal entertainment.

“No, the rendering… It was able to render things like Minecraft, but it was… It was trying to find its place. Halo had a time in the desert as well,” he explains, meaning that it was trying to find its identity. “The best thing we can do is just look at the build… I don’t even know if we have one anymore. It was cool. There were big castles and you could knock them down with trebuchets. Knocking holes in the wall, and dudes would come out.”

He tries to explain more clearly. “This game was going between RTS and… It’s hard to even describe. It was trying to find out what it was, and it hadn’t. It made it very clear at several junctures, ‘Well, should we put all the resources on the team behind Halo, or should we keep working on this game?’ Eventually we made the decision that it was Halo. The team just went away, or the project went away. The people are still here.”

Interesting concept. It sounds like they had really interesting tech (especially for 2000!) but hadn't figured out where the game play would go.

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