
More incentive talk

by RC ⌂, UK, Wednesday, July 10, 2013, 05:16 (4198 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Yeah, this is absolutely bewildering, in part because as I have explained many times, 'incentives' tend to ruin games.

Did he not pay any attention to the Halo community? I don't think anybody complained about lack of incentive in Halo 1.

People saying they play campaign once, then play multiplayer or trade it in/stop playing is one of the most common things I hear about games.

A decent designer looks at the evidence, uses their mind, and can see the truth without people having to explicitly TELL them what's wrong.

and the Halo games that DID have this 'incentive' were replayed far less than Halo 1.

Looking inside your own circle of friends/community is a really awful indication of general trend.

For certain individuals, certain styles of play, they may have played less when certain things were changed or added. But over the whole player base? Doubt it was anything but up.

Even if it were true, correlation does not equal causation and we could point to several possible reasons for it: freshness of the style of play, lack of other compelling games on the platform, no online multiplayer etc.

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