

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, July 10, 2013, 19:08 (4197 days ago) @ Stephen Laughlin

Speaking of terrible incentives...I gotta say, Xbox Live style achievements are the worst. Bloop! You had an emotional moment. Bloop! You explored off the beaten path. Yeah, thanks for cheapening the experience. At least I can switch off notifications.

Depends. I most definitely want a Bleep Bloop when I beat Destiny's main stroyline on Legendary or whatever. Same if I search out and find all the clues to whatever major story point. Achievements marking and recognizing that I accomplished something awesome are fine. I also tolerate achievements for doing things the first time. Like when Bungie made an achievement to uploading a video to your fileshare, that was good because it pointed people towards an amazing feature they might not look at otherwise.

The achievements I dislike are the ones that are "unnatural." "Kill 25 enemies in one Matchmaking game with the plasma pistol while surfing on the front of a Ghost on the DLC map that you'll never play because nobody else bought it"… Yeah, no. I'd do away with the "kill 80,000,000 Elites" or "Fire 63 million bullets from the Assault Rifle" or any other long term but mundane "you incremented the number high enough!" achievements too.

If I understand it the 180 will allow for achievements to be added much more easily on the fly. That's going to be good and bad. Bad because we'll surely see many more stupid achievements, but good because we'll see some good ones too. I don't think I ever got it, but I enjoyed when Bungie put in the achievement for killing someone with a flying traffic cone after the youtube video showing it happen totally on accident. Sure people tried and tried to do it right after that… but so what? Responding to awesome things the community does is fine.

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