
More incentive talk

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Thursday, July 11, 2013, 08:53 (4196 days ago) @ marmot 1333

"Likewise if you have to create 'incentives' for casual players to keep playing, then you're going to make your game worse for the people who actually do like to replay, an decrease the overall quality if your game."

I understand what you're getting at, but this statement is weaselly, with no way to prove or disprove.

Moreover, I disagree with the spirit of the statement. As an analogy, imagine if Subway introduces a punchcard where if you buy five sandwiches, you get the 6th free. You're saying this makes all the sandwiches worse for those who already liked them.

I don't necessarily agree. There are a few tried and true methods for extending replayability through incentive. One of my favorites is unlockables, stuff like extra characters, costumes, weapons, modifiers, rare dialog. Now the skulls did a few of these, and clearly not to the extent Jason wanted, but I am fervently on board with unlockables and expanding your arsenal and different permutations. Especially if if effects the possible outcomes of AI or Physics.

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