
More incentive talk

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, July 10, 2013, 21:31 (4197 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I gotta agree with Cody on this one, to an extent.

I thought the Skulls and Terminals were fantastic additions to the campaign, and a decent enough reason for at least one more play through to find them all, so I don't necessarily mind things they add for replay incentives.

However, I wish they would not waste their time, and instead just make the game awesome enough to replay on it's own merits.

FTL is a good example of this. I'm still replaying that damn game, even though I'm sure I've seen almost everything the game has to offer. It's just that fun that I keep going back to it.

Hell, to stay relevant, Combat Evolved is the best example of it. There's no reason to replay the campaign, unless you enjoy doing so. And I certainly did. It's still easily the best campaign experience of the series, and that's not rose colored nostalgia glasses talking. I still play it quite often (most recently about a month ago). It's that good. There's no need for anything extra. I don't think any "incentive" they could or would have added would have added to my enjoyment whatsoever.

Focus on making the gameplay absolutely amazing and you won't need anything else. Leave the incentives to multiplayer, if you must. But really, don't even do that. Unlock all the customization options from the very beginning. I don't want to have to play for 50 or 100, or hell, even 5 hours to get the piece of cool looking armor I want.

Too many times, I've seen people or forums, or heard my friends say, "I've unlocked everything, there's no reason to play that anymore."

Seriously? How about because the game is fun? If you were strictly playing to unlock new gear, why the hell were you playing at all?

Sometimes people truly are astounding, and not in a good way.

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