
More incentive talk

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, July 12, 2013, 11:11 (4195 days ago) @ ZackDark

IMO, overwhelming the player with gameplay choices right from the start without even having at least an off-main-game tutorial about them is very poor design. Having us play by trial-and-error is not very fun and once you finally find a good approach, you tend to stick with it.

Well, this is where a proper difficulty progression solves this problem. When you first start the game on easy or normal mode, it should be somewhat easy, so that the player doesn't have to worry about all the elements he's got. However, as the difficulty ramps up, he'll find himself having to experiment with the elements in order to overcome the new challenges. This is sort of an anti tutorial, since it's up to him to figure out and apply things.

You do the same for hard and very hard, while then having an expert / extreme difficulty where all of the game is super challenging.

I am wondering if destiny is going to have difficulty levels. If not, it's going to be an insufferable bore playing all the easy parts…

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