
More incentive talk

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Tuesday, July 09, 2013, 11:38 (4198 days ago) @ Xenos

Think what he was saying is in reference to fact that campaign is not nearly as replayable in the player's eyes as multiplayer. (Though I completely agree with you guys about it's replayability and full of possibility encounters)

I get the feeling that they made passes at getting the replay out of campaign (Skulls, firefight, vidmaster's, etc.) and were never quite happy with the result. As much as I love these things, I agree with him. It's a hard question to answer without restricting content or an experience from the player til later. I get the feeling he wanted the average player (most of whom haven't played campaign) to want to play campaign over and over and see all of the fun nooks and crannys and AI possibilities we have.

Hopefully Destiny can itch that scratch.

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