

by Stephen Laughlin ⌂ @, Long Beach, CA, Wednesday, July 10, 2013, 18:43 (4197 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Or maybe he's talking about things that Destiny can do that Halo couldn't. Halo's campaign couldn't have new missions added on the fly. Halo couldn't put up a series of public events that the entire player base needed to help complete to cause or prevent something from happening in the gameplay world. Heck, Halo didn't have a day / night cycle. Just having a level at night with different enemies and challenges that a lack of visibility brings might be reason enough to replay an area.

Too often we try and find the worst meaning behind incentive, but incentives can be good things too.

Definitely. Those sound like some really exciting ways to draw players back in that are natural extensions of the game world. I hope we'll see Bungie using a lot of creative ways to subtly implement incentives (to revisit areas in the game) that don't prioritize reward-lust over gameplay or obnoxiously break the fourth wall.

Speaking of terrible incentives...I gotta say, Xbox Live style achievements are the worst. Bloop! You had an emotional moment. Bloop! You explored off the beaten path. Yeah, thanks for cheapening the experience. At least I can switch off notifications.

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