
More incentive talk

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, July 09, 2013, 14:51 (4198 days ago) @ Stephen Laughlin

Jason mentions that it was just a shadow of an attempt at incentives, but I definitely thought the skulls in the later Halo games felt pretty artificial and gimmicky. I don't want to be encouraged to replay boring sections of a game for the satisfaction of earning a neato little prize or to fulfill some kind of artificial desire to "collect 'em all!". Make the game fun and I will come back to explore it again, just because.

Yeah, this is absolutely bewildering, in part because as I have explained many times, 'incentives' tend to ruin games.

Did he not pay any attention to the Halo community? I don't think anybody complained about lack of incentive in Halo 1, and the Halo games that DID have this 'incentive' were replayed far less than Halo 1.

If that's his plan for Destiny, my gut tells me to look out.

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