
I know people will pick sides (and have already done so)... (Gaming)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Saturday, September 05, 2015, 15:21 (3476 days ago) @ Schooly D

...I don't think I said that. And I didn't mean to imply it.

I do think it was implied.

Huh?...I just told you it wasn't. Do you think I'm lying or trying to pull one over on you?

Your statement reads like "Both sides have a point here: Marty wants his creative vision intact, and Bungie might have difficulty working with an outraged Marty, what a tough call" basically treating Marty's termination as the central issue and glossing over the real meat of the legal battle which was Bungie stripping Marty of his shares in the company (and withholding his unused vacation pay which was even more of an open-and-shut case) for, as we now know, no defensible reason.

Yes, the legal battle was focused on that aspect, but I was referring to the entire issue. Me not mentioning something specifically does not somehow mean I condone it.

Personally, I thought my statement read like "This whole thing sucks."

To be clear, I'm on no side.

I know, you and others. And it's upsetting. When people here (and elsewhere) hem and haw about "both sides are good/bad, we don't have enough info, etc" it strains credibility. The court documents have revealed plenty, and I think it's fine to favor a side now. Siding with the arbitrator, who has examined all the information and does this for a living and has ruled Bungie was in the wrong, seems prudent.

I've strained my credibility for having a view different from yours?

I never said you or others shouldn't favor a side. And I never said the arbitrator was wrong. But the legal battle was only on one front, one part of this tragedy.

To me, from what I've read, I don't like what Activision did, I don't like what Marty eventually did, and I didn't like what Bungie did in response. The arbitrator made a decision regarding the last point. I was commenting on how the whole series of events was sad.

And I could be wrong about each point or all of them, because I wasn't there and I don't know the people involved. I've only read articles by random people about some legal actions. To me, that doesn't make me an expert, and even if I could pick a side, I don't now how that would make anything better.

The worst part of this whole debacle is easily THIS. Fans against fans.

I don't understand why you've decided to question my credibility, but it sucks, especially coming from someone I had some good times with in the past. It seems like in recent years every time I express my views on something big, I'm either called an idiot, an apologist, and now maybe a liar. I don't know if the community has changed or if by helping with DBO I've somehow gained an oppressive-person-in-power status, but I'm tired of it. I don't do drama. I'd rather take me my leave if it means keeping my memories intact.

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