Poor reading comprehension? (Gaming)

by Avateur @, Saturday, September 05, 2015, 23:03 (3166 days ago) @ car15
edited by Avateur, Saturday, September 05, 2015, 23:11

Aside from the fact that you're a blatant troll (who was actually doing an awesome job of genuinely contributing in this thread until you blew up a post or two ago), and aside from the fact that I'm feeding you, you're still wrong. While Bungie's development issues may be on them, Microsoft wouldn't allow a delay in launch. Sorry homie. It takes two to screw up a game launch. Hell, look at the Master Chief Collection. Microsoft is good at letting busted things go loose for that dolla dolla bill. Thank goodness Halo 2's multiplayer was so fun, busted things and all. And that story was fantastic.

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