
Missed my point completely (Gaming)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Sunday, September 06, 2015, 19:09 (3165 days ago) @ car15

This community has such a thin skin.

I'm not here to rain on your parade, and even if I were, is your passion for this company so fragile that it can't withstand a few people's negativity?

Like what you like. I don't care. This whole bullshit notion that I'm "ruining your fun" intentionally just makes you sound too weak to stand by the fact that you're having fun.

If you are really that satisfied, then why should anything I say have such an impact on you? Just ignore it and continue having fun!

Except we can't all just pack up and go somewhere and leave you doing what you want somewhere else. This is a shared space and when someone is within that space insulting you, like you are here in this very post, it's not easy to ignore.

DBO is a park. Every thread is a spot for a gathering or a picnic. Sometimes I like to throw a blanket out and have a nice dinner with Kermit or Breitzen or somebody. Every once in a while a guy shows up and tells us our sandwiches aren't very good. If we never see him again, that's pretty easy to ignore. If he talks to us and we build a common ground to form a friendly relationship, it becomes easier and sometimes fun to discuss how those sandwiches could be better. But if he keeps just randomly popping up and eventually cursing at us, it's time to pack up and find a different picnic spot. But the park is only so big and if he keeps following us, whether to shout at us or the people who made our sandwiches, we are left with only one option: leave the park.

And I don't think people should have to do that because you think they should have tougher skin.

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