
There are lots of good people at bungie (Gaming)

by car15, Sunday, September 06, 2015, 17:28 (3451 days ago) @ breitzen

There are lots of good hard working developers at Bungie. I can have issues with individuals or even the way upper management works, but the majority of employees just want to make kick ass games. Games I like. So yeah I'm gonna keep supporting them.

I agree and I disagree.

There are lots of good hard working developers at Bungie. Absolutely. I'm sure the majority of the people there are not involved in any of this crap.

However, Bungie is a business. Unfortunately, their direction, their relationship with the public, and their cooperation with other companies is all shaped and decided by upper management. If you're unhappy with the direction they've chosen to take, the only thing you can do to change it is to stop supporting them.

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