
Marty O’Donnell wins epic legal fight with former bosses (Gaming)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Saturday, September 05, 2015, 18:35 (3166 days ago) @ EffortlessFury
edited by General Vagueness, Saturday, September 05, 2015, 19:00

While Destiny was planned for a September 2013 release, the story was substantially revised in August 2013. That pushed the release date back to March 2014.


I can confirm that there were sudden and abrupt changes in the development of Destiny less than a year ago. There was tension between higher ups the entire time we were developing the title due to a lack of cohesion about the vision for the game. One side wanted this huge space epic, like an MMO Mass Effect and the other side was not convinced that would sell and wanted to pare things back to more "easily accessible" standards. They were afraid too much story elements and cut scenes would drive players off. Then Joe left and everything just fell apart. By the time we were 7 months out to release, word came down that we were making massive revisions to the game's story.

These accounts line up perfectly. DeeJ claimed it was trolling...I don't know what to think at this point.

They really don't. That says the story was changed 7 months before release, but the arbitration findings say it was changed in August 2013, which is not 7 months before the actual release date or any proposed release date.
edit: August is 7 months before March >_>
He also says there were major changes less than a year ago, as of late September 2014, but the findings don't seem to indicate any major changes, with the story or otherwise, after August 2013, which is more than a year before. He could've gotten mixed up on the time or the interval (like I did) but to me, this account still isn't well-supported.

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