I agree with Leviathan . . . (Gaming)

by Fuertisimo, Monday, September 07, 2015, 17:18 (3164 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Yeah, I feel you man. There's a lot of passion and energy I think in the discussions these days and it can be exhausting.

One thing I will say regarding the whole Activision meddling thing is that... It's not definitive proof that they are screwing everything up behind the scenes, but it is evidence of at least one occasion where Activision did meddle in a way that Bungie employees felt was inappropriate or unexpected (remember that Ryan actually did side with Marty about Activision's overreach). Honestly reading it it seems like Activision just came in and did a switcheroo on Bungie without telling them it was going to happen or anything. Pretty crappy thing to do even if it was just a press reveal.

So saying that nothing was proved isn't really accurate, I think it's a little more grey than that. Did it prove some deep involvement by Activision trying to direct and control aspects of the game? No, but it did show at least one instance where they steamrolled what Bungie wanted to do and did their own thing. So it doesn't exactly take an overactive imagination to suspect that they may have done similar things in other areas of development.

Activision has a reputation, and they didn't get it because they've left wonderful feelings and experiences wherever they go. I think it's pretty normal to not want your favorite developer to become entangled with an entity with a track record like Activision, and I think that concern and worry is what drives a lot of the anti-Activision sentiment.

I'll add at the end, since I know there are people on the board who have some connection to Activision, I'm sure there are wonderful people there who work hard and just want to make kick ass games. It's more the executives (think Bobby Kotick) who are worrisome.

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