
I don't get the outrage (Destiny)

by squidnh3, Thursday, October 17, 2019, 09:50 (1871 days ago) @ cheapLEY

As someone who engages with Eververse basically not at all, I just don't get the level of outrage here. It seems really easy to just completely ignore it. Spend what you want to buy what you want, or don't. Maybe it will be cheaper later, that's your decision. Complaining about pricing schemes on intentionally useless digital cosmetics seems pretty silly to me.

Specific to the only-Eververse-armor-as-ornaments question, I thought that was pretty obvious why Bungie did that. They didn't want to sell Eververse armor with good stats (because that's close to pay-to-win), but they also didn't want to sell it with purposefully bad stats (because that kind of sucks), so they made them all ornaments. Obviously they see value in not doing that for all armor (or they would have done this a long time ago), but it makes total sense for cosmetics you buy.

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