
Just gonna zero in on this (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Sunday, October 20, 2019, 11:21 (1868 days ago) @ someotherguy

I did this because I'm of the opinion that these kinds of things are being blown way, way out of proportion.

Of course you are. Because it doesn't have that effect on you, so it doesn't exist.

Thank goodness you are the centre of the universe and have had the Exactly Average Human Experience so you can speak for all of us.

Everyone here is speaking their own experience. What we all need to understand is that everyone has their own experience. You obviously have more to speak on this because of your experiences. That is fine. What Is not fine is your idea that we all need to be up in arms as much as you.

That is not going to happen. Claude talked about it in a different post how the changes you want might directly affect other people negatively because they have a different experience than you. Both gaming and how Eververse/Bungie is presenting MTs. I understand from what you have said that you find it predatory, but not everyone does. Does that make us more fortunate? You less so? No. It makes of different.

I've said it before and I will say it again, I have a disorder that has been mocked, laughed at, caused life to be at a disadvantage. However I can't expect everyone to bend to my will because some company unintentionally targeted my disorders triggers. Do I think things could be changed up a little to give me a break? Maybe. Do I expect things to change? No. It's on me for what life gave me.

This is my opinion. It runs through my very being because my disorder is part of who I am. And You have every right to disagree with it.

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