
Raids (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, May 06, 2013, 15:40 (4232 days ago) @ squidnh3

Why on earth would you go to youtube to figure out how to defeat the RAIDs? Isn't figuring it out the whole entire fun of them?

I'd say there's some fun to be had in a community-type effort to figure things out. Speedruns seem like a reasonable example here: it's not like every person trying to speedrun a level ignores another player's runs of that level and is determined to find all the tricks and paths by themselves. People build off each other's successes.

I'm not saying that's bad, obviously because your example is quite specific to something I actually enjoy. However, there is a difference between solving things together, which means each person contributing something, and simply looking at the solution a group has already found without contributing yourself.

I guess you could say that watching a YouTube video of a Raid would be like watching a youtube video of a campaign level before you've even tried to beat it at all, but there are definitely gradations of this. I would never watch a guide on how to beat a Halo level on Legendary, because I know that I can figure it out myself in a reasonable amount of time and still have fun doing it. However, I'd be unlikely to bother figuring out a level on SLASO by myself: the punishment wouldn't be worth the reward to me. I'd rather look up a video and get the pleasure of the execution and completion, rather than the grind of trial and error. I suppose other players may feel this way about lower difficulty levels, depending on their skill level, and I wouldn't begrudge them that.

I think this is what I'm getting at. You said figuring out SLASO wouldn't be rewarding for you, but you enjoy the execution and completion of it. So let's say that SLASO was a big part of the game (even though it isn't), like the RAIDs in Destiny will be. Now, knowing that there are tons of people like you who would find no pleasure in the formulation of strategies, why not simply tell players the optimal strategy, if it indeed is not fun to figure out?

It is either this, or include encounters people actually enjoy figuring out. If you expect players to go to youtube to plan for the encounter, why make them waste the time? Just tell them how to do it in the game. But when you think of it that way, then your game is full of stuff that has players simply pushing the buttons they are told to. Either told by you or told by DestinyFan89.

Bad design.

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