
Raids (Destiny)

by Quirel, Wednesday, May 08, 2013, 18:55 (4097 days ago) @ urk

While we're on the subject of job descriptions, does Bungie really ask their producers to juggle chainsaws?

"If you have an amazing attention to detail and can juggle chainsaws, chew gum, and write a sonnet at the same time, then you might be just right for this team."

I mean, the gum chewing and sonnet writing seems pretty normal but the rest sounds super dangerous and I bet it violates several OSHA standards and practices.

I will admit that I know very little about chainsaw juggling, so maybe someone could educate me a bit about such activities. Is it common to put yourself in such mortal danger to work on the production team at Bungie? How much skill does it take? Can you learn it on your own, or should you join the circus?


To my knowledge, OSHA regulations are remarkably silent on the operation of power tools in a commercial workspace. To be on the safe side, I would recommend wearing proper safety equipment (Full face guard, gloves, steel toed boots, and earplugs are a must) and performing the act in a well-ventilated environment to prevent the buildup of fumes.

A quick search reminded me that you should check the guards and safety interlocks before starting the chainsaw. And while refueling, bring the motor to a complete stop and rest it on a stable surface.

Hmm... you know, the modifications required to keep the chainsaws running just MIGHT be in violation of code 1910.243(a)(2)(i)

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