Maybe a little confusion here (DBO)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, January 23, 2018, 11:28 (2578 days ago) @ Korny

If Claude agreed to it, then it's whatever, because it's his forum (though from the way he worded it, I don't get the feeling that he had the final say). But I say it's discouraging, and will just make folks think twice about starting their own threads if they're not here to sing songs about Bungie.

It's not my forum. Well, I suppose I host it... but it was created to give a community that loves Bungie and its games a place to congregate. It has been, like all forums before it, A PRODUCT OF ITS VISITORS, not its hosts.

I'm not sure what you mean when you suggest I didn't have the final say; I'm not sure there WAS a final say. Xenos told me about the idea, and asked if it would be an okay thing to try out. I said I thought it was a good idea. Does that mean I had the final say? I guess, maybe. (But as I was trying, badly, to explain to Speed last night, when someone is set up as an admin here, they have admin privs. That doesn't mean they get to do what they want as long as I agree - it means they get to do what they think is right. I think it's a (small) credit to my judgement skills that they ARE asking before they set it up... but they didn't have to. If I'd said "I don't think it's a very good idea", they could have said "okay, thanks for the feedback, we're gonna try it anyway" - and I would have been okay with that.)

I have received a surprising number of emails this morning from people I haven't talked to in quite a long time - a decade and a half, in one case. To a person, they wanted to reach out and offer spots on raid teams, time for nightfall runs, just screwing-around-in-destiny time. They're people I didn't even know were still playing Bungie games - and every single one of them is unhappy with the tenor of this place, which is why they aren't here.

I'd love to bring some of those people back into the fold. You might think this will stifle 'free expression', or 'honest debate'... but I think it might turn this place back into what it was started as - a home for people who loved Bungie and their games.

Please never forget that we're not talking about health care, or taxes, or climate change - we're talking about video games. We're talking about something that's supposed to be an escape, a fun diversion. And if all the conversation is negative... then it's not that. (And don't for a MINUTE think that you're being 'constructive' and helping Bungie know what's wrong with what they're doing. You're not - they hear all that negativity, and more, in other, more relevant places. They don't come here to check the community barometer, that's for sure.)

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