
Why the Eververse hate? (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Thursday, January 04, 2018, 07:58 (2365 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

I think it's more to do with the way those microtransactions are presented, e.g. The Dawning, which is a huge event that exists pretty much entirely to advertise new MTX to the end user.

Wait... what Dawning are you talking about? I've done pretty much everything the dawning has to offer and I've never gotten the feeling like I'm be paraded to Eververse.

...I'm not sure how you can say that. I'm not sure how anyone could say that.

I say that because what does the dawning have to do with Eververse? I'm honestly curious, because the entirety of the dawning has been mostly spent with Ikora or off on a planet.

New content means two things-- new (or modified) activities, and new (or modified) items.

The activities go through Ikora. The items are getting associated with Eververse because everything is random-- there's no route you can go through to get a specific thing you want, it's just more loot boxes.

If you are going that route then you might as well say that every engram is a free loot box. And if you have that mentality then you need to get out of Destiny.

Engrams now ARE loot boxes, and it has nothing to do with my mentality. The difference is that they used to be exclusively in-game, in-universe loot boxes, where game activities would give you a random chance of in-game rewards. Now there's a split storefront and most of the activity is deliberately shunted through the interface that gives you random stuff and then teases the ability to get other stuff by making a purchase.

I guess it all depends on willpower. To me, the debate right now is that MT's have gone from a stand alone booth anyone can visit to a booth that has been coupled with an in-game vendor that people visit on a regular basis. I don't care that I visit her more because the other difference is that I can actually purchase the stuff she is selling now with in-game currency and not money.

No, it really doesn't. I do not feel tempted in the least to give Bungie any more money than I am giving them by buying full priced games and DLC packs. I am dismayed, annoyed, and disappointed that they are trying to monetize the rest of the experience because I think it victimizes certain portions of the playerbase and sets up bad incentives that encourage developers to spend more time on low effort cosmetic content and less on everything else.

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