
Free To Play (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Saturday, January 06, 2018, 10:22 (2595 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I just don’t honestly think any of that is relevant. Bungie are the ones that decided to make a game that is drastically more expensive to support. If they can’t do that on the price of a $60 game plus paid DLC, maybe they should re-evaluate the type of game they’re making instead of cramming in some bullshit paid lootboxes.

This is ridiculous to me. You're telling Bungie they should NOT make the game THEY want to make because a less than majority of players hate one aspect of it. If they had wanted to make another Halo they would have, but they didn't, because they wanted to make a game that's different. As with all products if it's a failure THEN you are justified in saying they should re-evaluate, but as of right now Destiny is a huge success, even with the vocal minority complaining about Eververse. Yes you can dislike it or even hate it and anything else, but trying to say that Bungie should try something different just because you don't like it is bullshit.

That’s not even remotely what I said. I’m saying the games are expensive to make and support is a bullshit excuse. If you can’t make and support a game without including a system that is undeniably unfriendly to consumers and almost as inarguably preying on them, then yeah, maybe you should rethink the game you’re making.

My point is that I just don’t think that’s true. I think developers and publishers get away with these shitty systems because they’ve convinced people that they just can’t possibly make games without doing so, even though there are countless examples of very successful games that don’t include those bullshit lootbox based stores.

As far as I know, Bungie has never used that excuse, but their fans sure are eager to make it for them.

Maybe I’m the source of confusion here. My response above was intended to be strictly limited to the cost of Destiny 1 and its various expansions. I did not mean to include or imply that that micro transactions were in any way necessary. In fact, I meant to do the opposite and specifically call into question their necessity in regards to the development of Destiny and Destiny 2. Somehow that got lost along the way.

The rest of my point was really in response to this idea:

$60 every 3 years from every Halo fan used to be enough to make the Halo games.

Yeah, that statement is true, but as I outlined, Destiny received much more support and updates and content over its lifespan than any of the Bungie Halos did. And that I think the total cost for Destiny 1 + its expansions was very much justified by the amount of new single player and multiplayer content and UI additions and new features we got over that period. (And that, again, I do think micro transactions had much to do with all that.)

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