
Uh-Uh. (Destiny)

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Tuesday, July 18, 2017, 19:53 (2565 days ago) @ Morpheus
edited by CyberKN, Tuesday, July 18, 2017, 19:58

Just last night, a Titan sprinted up to me, stopped, fired a shotgun shell(which only damaged me partially), and then activated Shoulder Charge from a stationary position.

I'm sure that actually happened. Yep. Not made up at all. Not at all fabricated in any way. Totally, 100% true.

Fuck Shoulder Charge! Bungie should've taken out the entire Titan existence, much less the Striker subclass.

You misspelled Hunter. and Gunslinger.

Anyway, If they did do that, what would be the point? Crucible would look the same since 90% of players run other classes anyway. Since, ya know, they're stronger.

Not like you'd really have to run anywhere either--a Striker is the only subclass in the entire game that takes a single melee to kill a Guardian, regardless of shield strength.

git gud.

So if they're running, one hit with Shoulder Charge.
If they're standing still, one hit with Storm Fist. Or just Shoulder Charge while they're standing still.
If they're sliding, let's just cancel the momentum-stopping slide—with a Shoulder Charge. Out of a slide.
If they're out of range, skate across the map with Twilight Garrison, do the non-fatal Shoulder Charge, follow it up with the real Shoulder Charge.

I made a handy guide for some other guy in this thread for how to deal with this problem. You might find it useful.

I'm glad to hear they nerfed that crap--they're about 4 and a half years too late (and it still exists), but Bungie's(eventually) learning.


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