
+1 (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, July 27, 2017, 14:57 (2731 days ago) @ Cody Miller

When you’re editing a film, do you write new scenes and demand they get filmed else the film will fail?

YES! Maybe not demand, but suggest after careful consideration. This happens all the time. Even if it as simple adding dialogue in ADR or getting insert shots. And yes, sometimes totally new scenes.

That's good, but most of the time don't you use the material that you've got and make something good out of that? And sometimes is the ideal scene needed not possible or practical? Don't you have to get CREATIVE with the material in hand?

Yes, that's a given.

But shooting a film is very different from making a game. Bungie doesn't HAVE to get creative with what they have when they are creating it all from scratch on their computers. They can 'have' whatever they want. The only issue is creative foresight, having skilled craftsmen / artists / designers on hand, and budget. To an extent this is true in film as well...

Just like when making a film, you can't have perfect foresight or a perfect plan. You get better ideas after you've started creating content, and at some point practical considerations come into play regarding how much content you can ditch and when you can start over. Bungie absolutely is not starting from scratch--they have established a universe, and some elements they've decided to keep while throwing away others. We agree it would've been cool to come into the Tower as it was and have the game start. Would the benefit have been worth the effort to pull that off? Maybe, but I don't know the technical challenges (and I don't think you do either). In my mind I thought you were also suggesting they build out sections of the city of have us involved in more actions to enhance the loss, but maybe you didn't say that. It's easy to ask for the sky, man. Harder to deliver. Bungie has a good track record of improving their games and learning from their mistakes (IMHO), so I'm hopeful that their foresight and planning is much better now, and just the tenor of the podcasts and interviews encourages me on that score.

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