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One Giant Step for Bungie

Kill Screen has a fantastic article drawing parallels between the original race to the moon in the 1960s and the Destiny Beta last month. You may not agree with all the connections pointed out by the author... but it's a fascinating read no matter WHAT your politics. Thanks, Grizzlei.

Claude Errera | Aug 8, 2014 02:16 pm | link

Breaking Down the Elements

DattoDoesDestiny has always been good at digesting new Destiny info, and helping the rest of us make sense of it all. His analysis of elemental weapon damage is no exception - even Bungie was impressed! Give it a watch, and you'll have a much better grasp on Solar, Arc, and Void damage.

Claude Errera | Aug 8, 2014 01:59 pm | link

No Major Changes, says Hirshberg

dslogobolt.pngEarlier this week, Eric Hirshberg (Activision CEO) held an earnings call for investors, and discussed the Destiny Beta. He was quite positive about the overall success of the Beta, and stated that it was unlikely we'd see major changes to the game, since the fundamentals were so strong. Nice results from the largest beta ever for a new IP! DualShockers gets the credit for finding this.

Claude Errera | Aug 8, 2014 01:55 pm | link

Jack Handey would be proud

diehardgamefanlogo.pngDiehard GameFAN has an article entitled '10 Thoughts on The Destiny Beta' - they're solid thoughts. For folks following every snippet of content online, you probably won't find much new here - but for anyone who needs a quick refresher (or wants to read a summary of what we know so far from someone who's spent a little time putting ideas together), this is worth a read. Check it out!

TAGS: beta, opinion
Claude Errera | Aug 8, 2014 01:45 pm | link

Supply and Demand 101

It happens every time - and I never cease to be amazed. The Ghost Editions of Destiny (one for each platform) have been said to be truly limited - and this seems to be accurate, in the sense that they are no longer available from retail outlets. For people looking for rare stuff, though, there's always eBay... and as Kotaku pointed out, in this case, eBay has delivered. They found an auction for the Xbox One version that sold for a whopping $1,025 (retail, remember, was $150), with a median auction price of roughly double the retail price. Here's hoping that Activision can resist the implication that the remaining demand is HUGE...

TAGS: le, ebay, sales
Claude Errera | Aug 8, 2014 10:21 am | link

We need a montage (or two)

A number of people put together Destiny montages to show off their time in the Beta - we've got a couple for you. l_H4RDC0R3_l announced his joint venture with friends OMGWTF22 and Koonrat15 - and our own TTL Demag0gue told us about his experience, entitled 'Dematage'. Watch both!

TAGS: beta, montage
Claude Errera | Aug 8, 2014 10:10 am | link

Raiding your Friend's List

Let's catch up with some older news - there's some good stuff floating around the interwebs! Luke Smith posted a note on NeoGAF that is worth reading, if you're one of the people who've wondered about how Raids in Destiny will work - and wondered why Bungie has made it clear that you will need to put your own team together for a Raid. (At least at this stage, we've been told that the Raid will not be accessible via Matchmaking.)

That barrier to entry - the requirement that you get a group of people together and venture into something that is going to challenge your ability to work together (first) and your thumbs (second) - is a barrier I was willing to erect to preserve the activity goals.

I appreciate a developer who is willing to make decisions that don't cater to the bottom line, solely - it's refreshing! (Raid icon comes from OverwatchGraphics - definitely explore.)

TAGS: raid, info
Claude Errera | Aug 8, 2014 10:00 am | link

A Fireteam You Can Wear

Over at reddit, Seven Seraphs whipped up a super-cool piece of Destiny fan-art... and in response to a request, has made it available as a shirt! Just trying to pick a color now...

TAGS: fanart, shirt
Claude Errera | Aug 5, 2014 03:10 pm | link

Stop and Smell the Space Roses

DestinyOverwatch put together a nice montage that skips the sniper shots and multikills, focusing instead on the gorgeous landscapes found in the Beta. Check out The Beauty of Destiny for some relaxing sightseeing. (Thanks, DaDerga.)

TAGS: beta, montage
ncsuDuncan | Aug 3, 2014 07:55 pm | link

Masterful Cuts

A couple of great compilations of Destiny footage came out recently - Gen Kim released 'Blood Runs Out', while DBMgamer came up with 'The New Era'. Watch 'em both.

TAGS: montages
Claude Errera | Aug 1, 2014 05:31 pm | link

A look back at the Beta

thevergelogo.pngThe Verge wonders whether Destiny will be bigger than Halo. I suppose that depends on how you define 'bigger'... check out their thoughts (and the discussion on our forum!). Thanks, Kermit.

Claude Errera | Aug 1, 2014 05:26 pm | link

Destiny Co-Op: Devil's Lair Strike

narcogen and friends ran through the Devil's Lair Strike in the Beta as the last installment of the special Anger, Sadness, Envy series on the Destiny Beta; you can watch their shenanigans on YouTube.

TAGS: ASE, Devil's, Lair
Claude Errera | Aug 1, 2014 05:00 pm | link

Okay, That's Useful!

Deej just posted a hoedown of renders for you visual-minded people out there (and even if you're not one of those, you'll probably still find this cool). There's orthographics aplenty here, with guns and armor of all different shapes and sizes, and from every angle! A few more can be found in the Destiny media gallery as well. Fan artists, collectors, and catalogers, get to downloading.

Leviathan | Jul 30, 2014 04:13 pm | link

The Beginning of the End... er, the End of the Beginning?

eclipse.pngIGN continues their vigilant coverage of Destiny in an interview with Bungie's Luke Smith on what happens once you start to finish the basic game and the "endgame" opens up. One of these elements is the mysterious Raid, and there's a lot of words dedicated to it. Sounds exciting and challenging! Much thanks to our local news-cryptarch, Xenos.

TAGS: IGN, raids, Luke, Smith
Leviathan | Jul 30, 2014 10:22 am | link

From Whence She Came

2. "The wall is not safe. Full of Devils. But I've carved out a refuge in an underground tunnel. The Fallen have not followed me down here. Either they don't consider me a threat... Or there's something else down here with me. But there is moving water down here. Hope it leads somewhere...

"Strange voices in the night. But 'voices' may not be the right word. A song of a thousand speakers in discord. Their words are varied and conflicting, but the singers are many and of the same tone. The more I try to listen, the harder the lyrics are to decipher.

"I must get out. But I do not know if I should push farther into the dark and those horrible hymns or retread back through the enemy embattled above.

"...I should have looked ahead. She wrote of this cosmodrome. Warnings. If only I had her rifle with me now! But I believe this is where her Ghost was overcome, leaving her to die out there with the last wounds she would ever bear.  My own Ghost... He must be alive out there, somewhere."

Leviathan | Jul 29, 2014 02:25 pm | link


ign.pngJDQuakers let us know that IGN has a Q & A with Bungie's Urk right here. Some interesting talk on the reasoning behind certain decisions like player names as well as which aspects of the game are still in some deliberation, like voice communication, thanks to Beta feedback.

Personally, I'd be fine with not talking to strangers, though I could see some more Fable-esque emotes, like acting like a chicken or farting for example, could be instrumental in challenging missions.

TAGS: IGN, beta, urk
Leviathan | Jul 29, 2014 02:06 pm | link

PAX T-Shirts, On Sale Now

A few weeks ago, community artist Biwald dropped by our forums with a nifty t-shirt design for Bungie community members attending PAX Prime this year.

If you're headed to PAX and would like one of these shirts, they are now on sale at These will be handed out on-site at the expo, so be sure to use coupon code PP2014 when checking out to waive the shipping fee, and Biwald will coordinate distribution.

TAGS: shirt, pax
Beorn | Jul 26, 2014 01:07 pm | link

Fly Me to the Moon

The Bungie Weekly Update landed yesterday, and the talk this week is all about the Beta. Today at 2pm Pacific marks the beginning of the Big Beta Event that we've been hearing about for the past few weeks, so if you can, be sure to get to your console and block out some time! It sounds like we may be headed to the Moon, and participants will be rewarded with a special Beta emblem, as well.
TAGS: beta, moon, emblem
Beorn | Jul 26, 2014 12:46 pm | link

The Iron Banner Is Back

One more quick note: The Iron Banner event is happening again this week - there are three sessions today (the first has already begun!) and three tomorrow. Test yourself!

TAGS: iron, banner
Claude Errera | Jul 25, 2014 10:54 am | link

Beta is now open to all

Apologies for not posting this yesterday; it means if you haven't been paying attention, you may have missed out on an evening of Destiny. Bungie has opened the Beta to everyone - not just people with a code. Simply download the Beta on the console of your choice, and get playing! You have until the end of the weekend... and Bungie has made it clear that if you are online on Saturday, it will be worth your while when the game releases:

Yes - especially on the 26th. You want to be there for that day. Report for Beta testing duty at 2PM Pacific. Your rewards will be handsome and permanent.

TAGS: open, beta
Claude Errera | Jul 25, 2014 10:12 am | link

IGN takes a look inside the Destiny Operations Center

ign.png IGN is at it again, this time with a short feature on Bungie's Destiny Operations Center, arguably the bridge of the good ship Destiny; a post manned 24/7 to monitor the goings-on with the game world.  Not a ton of info to be gleaned about the technology itself, but more about the mindset of the team behind this brave new world and future they have planned for it.  Go read and discuss                                                                  in our forum!

Malagate | Jul 24, 2014 02:34 pm | link

Pushing the Activity Boundaries

doom.pngOur forum is alive and kicking with tons of fun Beta activities; here's a small rundown.

  • Cody Miller posted a speedrun of the Dark Within story mission. That ending was... unexpected.
  • petetheduck pointed out a video from Team LAG that shows you how to glitch into an area called 'King's Watch' and explore a pretty huge (but normally inaccessible) space. (That Ultra Captain looks... dangerous.)
  • The same team used the same technique to get out of the map near the Jovian Complex. Awesome stuff.
  • GrimBrother One noticed a bunch of people playing a different sort of game in the Tower.
  • Avateur showed off a Tree Party and a wall-climbing glitch - there's tons more fun than just shooting bad guys to be had in Destiny!

Claude Errera | Jul 24, 2014 09:04 am | link

IGN First: 1080p Xbox One Footage

IGN has posted some footage from the Xbox One, so that you can compare it to PS4 footage before the Xbox is allowed into the Beta tomorrow. Go take a look! Thanks, petetheduck.

TAGS: xbone, footage
Claude Errera | Jul 22, 2014 03:38 pm | link

Digital Foundry Compares Cross-Gen Graphics

Eurogamer's Digital Foundry has taken another look at the Destiny Beta - this time, they're looking at how the PS3 graphics hold up in the face of PS4 graphics. It's impressive how improved the latest gen looks! (While we're at Eurogamer, there's also an article that puts out a few random thoughts from the Beta - everything from whether it was worth the investment to how good Dinklage's voiceover has been.) Thanks to DaDerga for the links.

Claude Errera | Jul 22, 2014 03:38 pm | link

The Beta Is Back!

beta.jpgThe Destiny Beta is back online a little earlier than expected! They're deploying Xbox codes now, so for those of us who have waited to play, it's time to watch your email or check your Profile and get downloading!

See you starside.

TAGS: beta, xbox
Beorn | Jul 22, 2014 03:23 pm | link

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